problem with running examples in LIGGGHTS

Submitted by ghaffari_ali on Sun, 09/16/2012 - 16:53

Hi to all
I have installed CFDEMcoupling and LIGGGHTS according to procedure in "githubAccess_public.pdf" . finally it was compiled and it seems to be succeed becoase the CFDEM tutorials run properly. But when I want to run an example in LIGGGHTS it does not work and the message is:

The program 'liggghts' is currently not installed. You can install it by typing:
apt-get install liggghts

I type :liggghts

keepfit | Sun, 09/16/2012 - 18:43

hi Ali,

you might first check:

$ which liggghts

If the liggghts is installed properly, it will show " /usr/bin/liggghts ". Actually 'liggghts' is a shortcut to the executable file 'lmp_fedora_fpic' in the directory $HOME/LIGGGHTS/LIGGGHTS-PUBLIC/src. So you can add a shortcut/link by using ln command:

$ sudo ln $HOME/LIGGGHTS/LIGGGHTS-PUBLIC/src/lmp_fedora_fpic /usr/bin/liggghts

Then type 'liggghts' in the terminal, it should work.

Cheers, David

ghaffari_ali | Mon, 09/17/2012 - 16:02

Hi David
Thanks so much for your reply. it was so useful for me. finally I could run an example.
