problem in executing liggghts examples

Submitted by techblast333 on Wed, 10/19/2011 - 10:16

hello sir,

I am new on liggghts and cfdem. i have installed liggghts and cfdem and its coupling with openfoam as per instructions given on this website. Now i want to simulate liggghts test cases. i made liggghts on ubuntu-10.04 LTS within src directory with these commands:
make clean-all
make fedora_fpic (i omitted -j)
make makelib
make -f Makefile.lib fedora_fpic

by this i found an executable lmp_fedora_fpic and Obj_fedora_fpic folder.

for example case run i entered these commands in terminal:
cd LIGGGHTS/liggghts_GIT/examples/LIGGGHTS/packing
cp ../../src/lmp_fedora_fpic .

Claudio Wolfer's picture

Claudio Wolfer | Wed, 10/19/2011 - 11:24


If I would do the packing simulation I would do the following steps in terminal:
1) cd LIGGGHTS/liggghts_GIT/examples/LIGGGHTS/packing
2) liggghts < in.packing (line modified by Chris)
3) cd post
4) pizza
5) d=dump("dump.packing")
6) v=vtk(d)
7) v.manyGran()
8) ctrl+d
9) paraview

In the ParaViewer
1) Open the tmp.._boundingBox.vtk --> press apply
2) Open the tmp..vtk --> press apply
3) Add glyph to 2)
3.1) Scale Mode --> scalar
3.2) Set Scale Factor --> 1
3.3) Scalars --> radius
3.4) Glyph type --> sphere
3.5) Spere-Radius --> 1
3.6) press Apply
4) press play


techblast333 | Wed, 10/19/2011 - 18:48

Hi Claudio,
thanks for the reply but it seems (liggghts > in.packing) command is not working properly. Nothing happened as i entered this command in terminal. then i checked in.packing file and all the contents are flushed out and in.packing file is blank now. Im not getting what to do now.
looking for a reply.

ckloss's picture

ckloss | Wed, 10/19/2011 - 23:39

liggghts > in.packing basically erases the file you are looking at, as you are putting nothing in and directing the (nonexisting) output to the input script

liggghts < in.packing would be correct

ravi | Fri, 06/15/2012 - 14:19

Hi kloss,

I am trying to execute the cohesion problem with this command liggghts < in.cohesion .. I am getting an error- liggghts:command not found.
what is the problem .. can you please help me to rectify this...

Thanks in advance .

Best Regards,



Claudio Wolfer's picture

Claudio Wolfer | Thu, 10/20/2011 - 10:11

Hi, sorry about the wrong >. Thanks to Christoph for correction (below).