An problem during installation

Submitted by beidou on Mon, 03/04/2019 - 07:41

I run the cfdemCompCFDEMLIG, and a while later,
the following message showed up.
Does this mean I compiled liggghts sucessfully?

make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/ubantucl/LIGGGHTS/LIGGGHTS-PUBLIC/src/Obj_auto'

Compiling sub-libraries of LIGGGHTS now...
Please provide the libraries to be compiled in the //home/ubantucl/CFDEM/CFDEMcoupling-PUBLIC-5.x/src/lagrangian/cfdemParticle/etc/library-liggghts-list.txt file.
Libraries must be in: /home/ubantucl/LIGGGHTS/LIGGGHTS-PUBLIC/src/../lib, or a path defined by the Line in the above file.

And I find the "library-liggghts-list.txt" as the path told, but it contains nothing but this:

#syntax: makefileName/dir
#note: dir is not a path, just a keyword here