problem after reading restart file

Submitted by adabubu on Tue, 09/25/2012 - 11:42


I have met a problem by using restart. i have three related files. First one is for generating particles using "insert/pack", the second one is for making all paritlces settled in a box, the thrid one is for moving mesh box using "fix move/mesh" as follows:

"fix shear1 all move/mesh mesh top linear 0.005 0 0"

however I got following error message:

"ERROR: Illegal fix move/mesh command, illegal mesh ID provided (fix_move_mesh.cpp:63)"

acutally, i defined the mesh "box" in all three files using "fix mesh/surface/stress".

I don't know what's wrong with my files. Could anyone help me with it?

By the way, in my simulation Liggghts 2.1.1 was used.



tapsab | Tue, 09/25/2012 - 17:43

It might be easier to debug your problem if you can you share your input file (the one which contains the fix move/mesh command).
