Possible to re-compile only modified files in CFDEM?

Submitted by Evan.J on Tue, 03/06/2018 - 19:17

I am modifying some models in CFDEM, and after every change I have to recompile using cfdemCompCFDEMsrc which can take several minutes, and this makes the process of developing a new model very slow.

Is there any way to recompile only the files that have been modified?

I'm a newcomer to this type of programming, so please keep that in mind when answering. Any info or ideas would be helpful!



medvedeg | Wed, 03/07/2018 - 12:29

Hallo Evan,
it is of course possible. You must go in src/lagrangian/cfdemParticle folder and type "wmake" in order to compile lagrangian library (all drag force , void fraction models, etc). Only changed files (since last compilation) will be recompiled. The same is possible for each solver separately. For example, if you go in applications/solvers/cfdemSolverPiso and type "wmake", only cfdemSolverPiso will be compiled. Note that you should first compile lagrangian library before solver compilation.

Alexander Podlozhnyuk

gelinhan | Thu, 03/22/2018 - 00:22

Hi Alexander,

I just got another related question. I found that even I only modified the LIGGGHTS code , I had to recompile CFDEM to make the new LIGGGHTS code working with the coupling which was very time consuming. Is there any simple way to do this?

Kind regards,

medvedeg | Thu, 03/22/2018 - 10:59

Hallo Linhan,

if you compile LIGGGHTS with "makefile auto", than the algorithm is as follows. From src folder execute following commands:
make auto -j 4
make makeshlib
make -f Makefile.shlib auto

This will update LIGGGHTS library necessary for running CFDEMcoupling. There is no no need to recompile CFDEMcoupling.

Alexander Podlozhnyuk

Evan.J | Thu, 03/08/2018 - 04:54


Thanks for the prompt response - indeed that is much faster!