Position of Mesh

Submitted by Venkataraman on Tue, 01/22/2019 - 10:57

I am working on Triaxial Compression test on granular particles. I use servo walls for the compression.
The problem is initially the forces are high and my servo walls are in the input positions but as the forces approaches to the target val the particles push away the walls and my desired volume changes.
How to keep the walls in position with the target val. I don't want the walls to be fixed in the position through out the test as I want to observe a Volume increase or decrease during isotropic compression and under shearing.


wangxiukai | Sun, 04/25/2021 - 03:04

Do you solve the problem? I am a newer of liggghts and confusing about the Trixial compression test.
Can you send me a script about Trixial compression test? My e-mail is wangxiukai@zju.edu.cn.
It will be really helpful if you could send it.
Thank you.

Wang xiukai