PorousBaffle in OpenFoam

Submitted by sashagertrude on Thu, 04/09/2020 - 03:07


I would like to simulate a filter that retains most of the particles while allowing water to pass through. I created a case in OpenFoam and it works fine using a porous baffle for the filter. Now I wanted to know how LIGGGHTS will interact with a porous baffle (porousBafflePressureFvPatchField). Is there a boundary condition that I should be focusing on to simulate the scenario mentioned above? Or if anyone can direct me to sources that would be awesome.

Thank you!

This is the baffle I am using: https://cpp.openfoam.org/v4/classFoam_1_1porousBafflePressureFvPatchFiel...

paul | Thu, 04/09/2020 - 14:32

Just put a stl or primitive wall where the particles are not allowed to pass. LIGGGHTS does only care about the forces exerted by the fluid - nothing else.