Plasticity in bonds

Submitted by SHUBHAM AGARWAL on Wed, 10/21/2020 - 21:17

I am currently using the 'LIGGGHTS flexible-fibers' version. As far as I can see there is option for elastic bonds. Is there a way to introduce elasto-plasticity in the bonds.


SHUBHAM AGARWAL | Mon, 10/26/2020 - 20:44

I don't now if i get your question correctly

I am trying to define a 'granular' type bond. For that I can only provide elastic stiffness value in 'bond_coeff'. Is there a way to define plasticity to simulate yielding?


mschramm | Tue, 10/27/2020 - 19:59

As of right now, there is no implementation or plan to implement any form of plasticity into the bond/gran package.
Right now the only option to the user is
1) How do the bonds break
2) What form of damping should be used
All options use the linear bond equations as laid out in the documentation for the bond/gran package.

I am not saying that adding a plactisity model is impossible but I simply do not have the time to implement such a package.
I would first seperate the current bond/gran package into 3 different packages.
1) to calculate the bond force and moments
2) to calculate the damping force
3) to calculate the breakage.