particles rolling with high omega using rolling friction model epsd

Submitted by oranjesr on Sun, 04/19/2020 - 05:16

Dear LIGGGHTS users,

I recently use rolling frition model epsd for triaxial test simultation. When I create a bulk of particles, and let them settle under gravity, high omega is observed for alomst every particles, up to 500 rad/s. My particles have a radius from 1..10mm.

Can anybody help me with this.

neighbor 0.0005 bin
neigh_modify delay 0

hard_particles yes
# Material properties required for granular pair styles

fix m1 all property/global youngsModulus peratomtype 3.e10 3.e9
fix m2 all property/global poissonsRatio peratomtype 0.3 0.3
fix m3 all property/global coefficientRestitution peratomtypepair 2 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8
fix m4 all property/global coefficientFriction peratomtypepair 2 0.8 0 0 0
fix m5 all property/global coefficientRollingFriction peratomtypepair 2 0.3 0 0 0
fix m6 all property/global coefficientRollingViscousDamping peratomtypepair 2 0.8 0 0 0
#fix m7 all property/global coeffRollingStiffness scalar 3

# pair style
pair_style gran model hertz tangential history rolling_friction epsd # Hertzian without cohesion
pair_coeff * *

# timestep, gravity
timestep 1e-7
fix gravi all gravity 9.80665 vector 0.0 0.0 -1.0
fix wall all wall/gran model hertz tangential history rolling_friction epsd mesh n_meshes 6 meshes tservo bottomwallfix lservo rservo fservo baservo


fix pts1 all particletemplate/sphere 15485863 atom_type 1 density constant 2650 radius constant 0.001 volume_limit 1e-22
fix pts2 all particletemplate/sphere 15485867 atom_type 1 density constant 2650 radius constant 0.01 volume_limit 1e-22
fix pdd1 all particledistribution/discrete 86028157 2 pts1 0.2 pts2 0.8
fix ins all insert/pack seed 99992309 distributiontemplate pdd1 vel constant 0. 0. 0 insert_every once overlapcheck yes all_in yes particles_in_region 100000 region bc

Best wishes