Particle Placement Algorithm

Submitted by Ceb on Thu, 09/10/2015 - 01:47

Hello Liggghts Team,

i am currently writing my thesis about analyzing the homogeneity of Packings created with LIGGGHTS and need to know which particle placement algorithm is implemented in the program.
It seems to be a Random Sequential Addition algorithm, but i don't know how it works exactly/if it uses any special implementations of RSA.
I tried studying the Sourcecode, but it's much to complex for someone with my limited programming experience :-).

Please specify which algorithm liggghts uses. Is there maybe a paper which specifies the working of the algorithm? Thanks a lot in advance.
Greetings, Robert

Daniel Queteschiner | Tue, 09/15/2015 - 13:16

No offense, but isn't this something you should be able to find out yourself when your thesis is about analyzing the homogeneity of packings created with LIGGGHTS?
Anyway, the fix insert/* commands use uniform random numbers for the x,y,z particle coordinates (generated via a Park/Miller random number generator) scaled/limited to the extents of the insertion region. Insertion starts with the largest particles of the specified particle distribution. Optionally, LIGGGHTS checks for overlaps with already inserted particles. If the position for the new particle is already occupied, a new random position is generated and tested until a free position is found or a maximum number of insertion attempts is reached.

Ceb | Tue, 09/22/2015 - 23:02

Hello Daniel,

I figured as much (that's what random sequential addition is after all), but my mentor was keen on a confirmation.
Plus i didn't know about the Park Miller RNG , so i got that going for me, which is nice.
So thanks for your answer,