Particle Insertion against time step

Submitted by shahab.zaman on Tue, 07/24/2018 - 16:37

Dear all,
I am working on some changes in the periodicChannel tutorial to simulate my own case. One of the changes is related to the particle insertion which I want to do it against timestep but now all particles are located by "in.liggghts_init" file. The only thing that I found was 1-Way Flow Coupling in Liggghts tutorial which has used following command to define the particle insertion against timestep.

fix ins all insert/rate/region seed 54325 distributiontemplate pdd & nparticles 10000 particlerate 10000 insert_every 500 overlapcheck yes & vel constant 0. 0. -2.0 region factory ntry_mc 10000

But the problem is, how can I use this command in "in.liggghts_resume" file due to the fact that the run number in this file is 0!!! And if I define it in "in.liggghts_init", all particles will be inserted during the initialisation.

Any help or suggestions on this would be greatly appreciated.
kind regards,


medvedeg | Wed, 07/25/2018 - 11:51

Hallo Shahab,

you can of course insert particles during CFD-DEM simulation, not only in in.liggghts_init.
in.liggghts_resume initializes the DEM part of a CFD-DEM simulation. There is a series of "run 10" or "run 50" (depending on your couplingInterval) called in the background after each CFD time step.
So you can put "fix insert" also there.

Alexander Podlozhnyuk

shahab.zaman | Wed, 07/25/2018 - 19:15

Dear Alexander,

Thank you very much for your reply. I added the command run 50 (my coupling interval is 100) in liggghts resume and now it is working.

Best regards