Particle and model size which can be used

Submitted by Pankhi Singh on Mon, 09/28/2020 - 16:27

Can anyone tell me what is the maximum no. of particles I can stimulate in CFDEM in one time?
And also the minimum size of the model in which I can carryout my stimulation? Like what can be the minimum dimensions of a tube in which I can carry out my stimulation?

alice's picture

alice | Thu, 10/08/2020 - 10:25

Hello Pankhi Singh,

this more or less only depends on the computational resources you have and whether the particles still follow the hertz law, which is not the case when particles become too small (and molecular forces start to dominate the processes).

We have run cases with millions of particles. Please note that the combination of very small particles and a very large geometry is very memory intensive.

Best regards,
