Parscale icw LIGGGHTS and CFDEM-NanoSim

Submitted by vkoppejan on Wed, 01/06/2016 - 16:56

Dear All,

I'm a bit confused about the additional libraries for compiling Parscale with CFDEM-NanoSim.

In the cfdem/.../etc folder there is an additionalLibs and a additionalLibs.C3POParScale file.

How do I set/use these files properly?

I've succesfully installed OF24x, LIGGGHTS and CFDEM under ubuntu1404.

Also I followed the procedure and order explained here

Parscale and LIGGHTS are working correctly but when I compile CFDEM I get errors about unkown Parscale libraries.

Thanks in advance for your help.


tforg | Tue, 01/12/2016 - 13:44

Dear Victor,

Thanks for the effort! This is still a bit tricky :)

additionalLibs.C3POParScal is a template file. Only additionalLibs is taken into account during the compilation process.
Just copy/paste everything related to ParScale (all libs related to ParScale) into the additionalLibs file and try it again.

You can also post your additionalLibs file here - maybe I can help you!

Thomas | Thu, 06/02/2016 - 00:56

Hi Cheers,

I think this is a common issue for beginners like me, please if that is possible share your additionalLibs file here, surely it would be a great help.
As Victor, I also successfully compiled ParScale as stand alone and also with LIGGGTS and checked test cases, but I am stuck with parscale coupling with CFDEM right now.
Thank you for your response.


sradl1981's picture

sradl1981 | Mon, 02/06/2017 - 17:04

...please checkout the latest release of ParScale and LIGGGHTS-PUBLIC, this case should work

The only things to do to link ParScale and liggghts are:
- compile the ParScale library in the ParScale src directory
- install this LIGGGHTS package (you will find instructions how to install packages in liggghts by googling, or in the manual)

Stefan Radl