I'm new to LIGGGHTS and Paraview and still stumbling around trying to work things out.
I have managed to get velocity and particle streaming to display, yay.
However I'm trying to get a range of DEM particle results filters to work, but no success so far.
The sort of things I would like to setup are:
- Measurement of particle mass/volumes and calculation of density within a volume. I have tried using slice(box) and then calculate or integrate with no success.
- Measurement of volumetric and mass flow rates. I have tried slice and surface flow...
- Measurements of material buildup remaining in place
- Measurements of velocity and plotting results at a location over time
- Plot of cross section showing mass flow profile
- Ability to export selected particles back to CAD format to display in design models
I have seen responses describing the workflow and tools that should work, but I'm struggling with how to get the tools to provide results in Paraview.
Unfortunately the Paraview tutorials I can find don't deal with particle simulations.
richti83 | Fri, 05/31/2019 - 14:13
The sort of things I would
The sort of things I would like to setup are:
- Measurement of particle mass/volumes and calculation of density within a volume. I have tried using slice(box) and then calculate or integrate with no success.
- Measurement of volumetric and mass flow rates. I have tried slice and surface flow...
do it on scriptlevel using a mesh(plane) and fix massflow/mesh
- Measurements of material buildup remaining in place
on scriptlevel use a variable for mass of group in a region
- Measurements of velocity and plotting results at a location over time
select some points, add a filter "plot selection over time"
- Plot of cross section showing mass flow profile
filter->clip, X or Y or Z Plane at Position of cross section you are interested in, color by velocity
- Ability to export selected particles back to CAD format to display in design models
in PV: save particles as csv, import as scetch to CAD file
clintz | Mon, 05/24/2021 - 13:55
Hi richti83, I would also
Hi richti83, I would also like to measure the velocity distribution of particles over time.
I selected some points and add a filter "plot selection over time"
However it does not have data for the velocity. Did I miss some crucial step?
frisbdave | Wed, 07/17/2019 - 14:52
Thank you for the assistance Christian.
Can you also suggest how to smooth the shading on wear surfaces between mesh boundaries?
I can increase the mesh count (decrease the mesh size), however this increases the LIGGGHTS solve times, and I still have tessellated shading on the wear surface,
frisbdave | Fri, 07/19/2019 - 08:26
For the next person coming looking for tips on DEM in Paraview I have used the following workflow with *.vtk datasets:
Open dataset
Select velocity for colouring, set range suitable for complete dataset.
Clip planes as required to section the particles for each Render view.
Apply filter "Glyph" (select the particle scale array as radius, scale factor 1, Glyph mode "All points")[Scale representation of the particles is intensive for large models, I tend to only apply this once I have clipped down to a small volume of interest].
Apply filter "Temporal Particles to Pathlines" (Mask points 10 to 100, you need to then step through the frames for it to generate) [Once again I tend to only apply this once I have clipped down to a small volume of interest].
Open dataset
Apply filter "Cell data to point data"
Apply filter "Tessellate" (to smooth over mesh surfaces, needs point data to work)
Select wear for colouring (Paraview recommends against rainbow, I have use two colour), set range suitable for complete dataset, transparency is useful to see both surfaces and particles
Then add Clip planes as required to section the surfaces for each Render view.
Then create multiple Renderviews to display useful angles of the model (switch on the appropriate particle and surface clip for each renderview).
Finally save as animation and save state.
You can then copy this state file to each successive run folder for each model, taking care to select the local path when opening the state file.