pair/gran/local - error while using the "contactPoint"

Submitted by Khan on Fri, 01/10/2020 - 05:48

Hi Everyone!

When i use the "compute pair/gran/local" using the following:

compute cpgl all pair/gran/local pos id force contactArea
dump dmp_cpgl all local 1000000 output/fc/cpgl*.dump c_cpgl[1] c_cpgl[2] c_cpgl[3] c_cpgl[4] c_cpgl[5] c_cpgl[6] c_cpgl[7] c_cpgl[8] c_cpgl[9] c_cpgl[10] c_cpgl[11] c_cpgl[12] c_cpgl[13]

The above works perfect for me!

However, if i would like to know the coordinates of the contact point at which the force is calculated, i need to use the following:

compute cpgl all pair/gran/local pos id force contactArea contactPoint
dump dmp_cpgl all local 1000000 output/fc/cpgl*.dump c_cpgl[1] c_cpgl[2] c_cpgl[3] c_cpgl[4] c_cpgl[5] c_cpgl[6] c_cpgl[7] c_cpgl[8] c_cpgl[9] c_cpgl[10] c_cpgl[11] c_cpgl[12] c_cpgl[13] c_cpgl[14] c_cpgl[15] c_cpgl[16]

For this, i am getting the following error:

ERROR: Compute pair/gran/local (id cpgl): illegal/unrecognized keyword (../compute_pair_gran_local.cpp:108)
*** The MPI_Finalize() function was called after MPI_FINALIZE was invoked.
*** This is disallowed by the MPI standard.
*** Your MPI job will now abort.

could anybody help me on this? Thanks!

Daniel Queteschiner | Fri, 01/10/2020 - 09:44

Which version of LIGGGHTS do you use? The option 'contactPoint' has been added in 3.7.0.

Khan | Sat, 01/11/2020 - 04:57

Hi Daniel,

I have been using an older version of LIGGGHTS. I have started using the newer version and it works perfectly. Thanks for the help!