OnewayVTK in 'coupling Properties'...

Submitted by hbc on Fri, 09/09/2016 - 09:10

means that the CFD calculation based on the fixed DEM data field? Is it right?

I want to simulate the one-way coupling CFD-DEM simulation based on fixed CFD data field, so is there any way to achieve it?
(I already considered using LIGGGHTS only, but the proper implementation of drag force is not available.)


paul | Fri, 09/09/2016 - 18:00

I think the way to go would be to create a derivative of your cfdem-solver of choice, in which you comment out pretty much everything regarding flow solution. You would basically be left with the main while loop containing calls to particleCloud.evolve().

You are right, just using LIGGGHTS wouldn't quite cut it, as flow field reading and drag force calculations are perfomed by the cfdem solvers.

Good luck!

- Paul