One Good START for A Beginner ?

Submitted by mahdi_roozbeh on Tue, 11/15/2011 - 12:21

Hi all:

I am completely new to this software. I want to start knowing about LIGGGHTS(DEM). My work is about packing of the sphere under gravitational force based on the work of Cundall (the one who creates Discrete element method).

I am familiar with the knowledge of the DEM (honestly, it is not so hard), but about LIGGGHTS, I dont know anything.

I already installed the software in UBUNTU. I run the example of the packing. One log file has been appeared after running, but honestly I dont know what it is.

I installed paraview viewer, python and ...

I was wondering if you could help me to give some hints for understanding this software and visualization of the results.


ckloss's picture

ckloss | Tue, 11/15/2011 - 12:42

A few obvious hints: (a) read the manual, (b) check out the tutorials (c) browse the discussion boards

Cheers, Christoph