Obtaining CFD vtk files

Submitted by bnaar on Wed, 01/27/2016 - 18:16

When running the standard ErgunTestMPI file using 4 processors and by changing the (CFD) commands in parCFDDEMrun.sh to
#- get VTK data from CFD sim
cd $casePath/CFD
#foamToVTK #- serial run of foamToVTK
source $CFDEM_SRC_DIR/lagrangian/cfdemParticle/etc/functions.sh #- include functions
pseudoParallelRun "foamToVTK" $nrPostProcProcessors #- pseudo parallel run of foamToVTK

I only obtain errors.

And when using the default version

#- get VTK data from CFD sim
cd $casePath/CFD
foamToVTK #- serial run of foamToVTK
#source $CFDEM_SRC_DIR/lagrangian/cfdemParticle/etc/functions.sh #- include functions
#pseudoParallelRun "foamToVTK" $nrPostProcProcessors #- pseudo parallel run of foamToVTK

I only obtain the VTK file of the first timestep.

Does anyone have experience with this and knows how to solve this?

This would be very helpful!

(and I can give more information when helpful)

Thanks in advance!

hunger's picture

hunger | Thu, 01/28/2016 - 08:07

Did you reconstruct the case? This switch is not automatically set in the tutorial. Either you do it by hand, or more convinient, you can modify 'parCFDEMrun.sh' a little bit, e.g.:

parCFDDEMrun $logpath $logfileName $casePath $headerText $solverName $nrProcs $machineFileName $debugMode $reconstuctCase

Best regards

bnaar | Thu, 01/28/2016 - 09:34

Thank you, that was indeed the missing link!