Number of processors

Submitted by jvvelez on Sun, 09/22/2019 - 05:47

I am simulating shaking grains in the vertical direction and I would like to speed up my simulation. I can use up to 24 cores. Since, the motion is predominantly in the z direction, should I maximize number of cores in this direction? Also, I noticed if I reduced the number of cores and let liggghts decide the optimum distribution, 20 cores make it faster instead of 24. I thought it was counter-intuitive but then again it could just be how liggghts distributes it. What should I do?

cchuang | Mon, 09/30/2019 - 17:13


The ideal distribution would be around 20,000 particles/processor. Communication overhead could kick in with fewer particles (< 20000) per processor.
I will optimize the cpu distribution by minimizing the area that a processor shared with other processors, so less communication.

Hope this would help.