No rotation of particles

Submitted by JoshuaP on Tue, 10/28/2014 - 14:11


I have 6 particles rotating with the same angular velocity. The rotation is caused by a torque, set by fix addtorque.
The problem is that i cant get the rotational speed by compute property/atom and also in paraview it is shown that the aprticles have no angular velocity but I can see them spinning in paraview.

fix integr all nve/sphere

create_atoms 1 single 0 0 0.6
create_atoms 1 single 0 0 0.62
create_atoms 1 single 0 0.01 0.62
create_atoms 1 single 0 -0.01 0.62
create_atoms 1 single 0.01 0 0.62
create_atoms 1 single -0.01 0 0.62

compute velref ref property/atom x y z vx vy vz omegax omegay omegaz
compute vx ref reduce ave c_velref[4]
compute vy ref reduce ave c_velref[5]
compute vz ref reduce ave c_velref[6]

compute x ref reduce ave c_velref[1]
compute y ref reduce ave c_velref[2]
compute z ref reduce ave c_velref[3]

compute omegx ref reduce max c_velref[7]
compute omegy ref reduce max c_velref[8]
compute omegz ref reduce max c_velref[9]

#all 6 particles are in group ref

the velocities and the positions are computed. Just the rotation is everytime 0.
So how to get the angular velocities?
