No files are created in Post folder after running the simulation

Submitted by Majid on Wed, 07/31/2024 - 04:55

Hello everyone,

I am a beginner in LIGGGHTS and have a major problem. I want to use this software to generate some particles and then use the generated particles in the second step of my simulation. for the LIGGGHTS simulation, I have a shell box as a die (container) and an inlet as a generator located at the top of the die. I prepared the input file of my simulation, based on the one the Enginnerdo tutorial on YouTube. When I run the simulation, it seems it is done successfully, but no files are created in the Post folder.
Does anyone know what the problem is and how I can fix it?
I have attached my input file to this post.

I really appreciate it if anyone could help me in this regard.

Best regards,

Plain text icon input.txt6.21 KB