Need Help for Initialization

Submitted by ali_km on Wed, 04/29/2020 - 01:21

Dear Friends
I'm trying to understand how to setup my case. I'm working with cfdemSolverPisoScalar solver and I have reviewed the initialization files "in.liggghts_init" & "in.liggghts_run".
In my understanding "in.liggghts_init" initialize DEM solver and "in.liggghts_run" do the coupling with CFD solver, however, some of the data in these files doesn't match.

Like in "in.liggghts_init" we have:
# heat transfer
fix ftco all property/global thermalConductivity peratomtype 5. # lambda in [W/(K*m)]
fix ftca all property/global thermalCapacity peratomtype 10. # cp in [J/(kg*K)]
fix heattransfer all heat/gran initial_temperature 263.

and in "in.liggghts_run":
# heat transfer
fix ftco all property/global thermalConductivity peratomtype 5. # lambda in [W/(K*m)]
fix ftca all property/global thermalCapacity peratomtype 0.1 # cp in [J/(kg*K)]
fix cfd3 all couple/cfd/convection T0 600
fix heattransfer all heat/gran initial_temperature 600.
why heat capacity and Temperatures are different (the initial temperature in CFD solver is 263)?
Is there any comprehensive guide for CFDEM?

ali_km | Wed, 05/06/2020 - 03:01

any help?!
could you please tell me the difference between these two files?
why they have different values for initial_temperature & thermalCapacity ?