Moving an Object in liggghts using the SPH method via the "wiggle" command

Submitted by Victoria on Fri, 05/04/2018 - 12:41

I have created a container that contains particles in Liggghts using the sph-method. This container should move in an axial direction via the “wiggle” command.

So I want to let move a surface that is defined as a wall with fix wall/region/sph with the command “wiggle”.

These two commands do not work:

fix wall all wall/region/sph myWall 0.01 2.5 wiggle amplitude 2. 0. 0. period 0.5

fix wall all wall/region/sph myWall 0.01 2.5 wiggle 2. 0. 0. 0.5 units box

Alternatively, you could move the mesh over move / mesh. However, I have not found out that there is a way to read a .stl-file into a script using the sph-method.