more than one CAD in 1.3.1

raguelmoon's picture
Submitted by raguelmoon on Sat, 06/18/2011 - 18:15

I can not import more than one CAD in new version of LIGGGHT. If I import more than one CAD then it prompts this:

Importing STL file 'stl/cyl2p5z.stl'
Solid body detected in STL file
Growing STL input arrays
Growing STL input arrays
End of solid body detected in STL file.
WARNING: STL face normals were not normalized, normalizing
Mesh calculations running. This may take a while...finished!

Import of 14760 triangles completed successfully!

Importing STL file 'stl/spz.stl'
Solid body detected in STL file
End of solid body detected in STL file.
WARNING: STL face normals were not normalized, normalizing
[ram-Vostro-420-Series:02009] *** Process received signal ***
[ram-Vostro-420-Series:02010] *** Process received signal ***
[ram-Vostro-420-Series:02010] Signal: Segmentation fault (11)
[ram-Vostro-420-Series:02010] Signal code: Address not mapped (1)
[ram-Vostro-420-Series:02010] Failing at address: 0x54
Mesh calculations running. This may take a while...finished!

Import of 2040 triangles completed successfully!

[ram-Vostro-420-Series:02009] Signal: Segmentation fault (11)
[ram-Vostro-420-Series:02009] Signal code: Address not mapped (1)
[ram-Vostro-420-Series:02009] Failing at address: 0x54
[ram-Vostro-420-Series:02010] [ 0] [0xb78c840c]
[ram-Vostro-420-Series:02010] [ 1] liggghts(_ZN9LAMMPS_NS23FixWallGranHookeHistoryC2EPNS_6LAMMPSEiPPc+0x29) [0x81bd67b]
[ram-Vostro-420-Series:02010] [ 2] liggghts(_ZN9LAMMPS_NS23FixWallGranHertzHistoryC1EPNS_6LAMMPSEiPPc+0x27) [0x81bc36f]
[ram-Vostro-420-Series:02010] [ 3] liggghts(_ZN9LAMMPS_NS6Modify7add_fixEiPPc+0x26f1) [0x81e5409]
[ram-Vostro-420-Series:02010] [ 4] liggghts(_ZN9LAMMPS_NS5Input3fixEv+0x24) [0x81cbc4e]
[ram-Vostro-420-Series:02010] [ 5] liggghts(_ZN9LAMMPS_NS5Input15execute_commandEv+0x505) [0x81cd477]
[ram-Vostro-420-Series:02010] [ 6] liggghts(_ZN9LAMMPS_NS5Input4fileEv+0x2f5) [0x81ce325]
[ram-Vostro-420-Series:02010] [ 7] liggghts(main+0x68) [0x81d6404]
[ram-Vostro-420-Series:02010] [ 8] /lib/ [0xb74a3ce7]
[ram-Vostro-420-Series:02010] [ 9] liggghts() [0x80a7721]
[ram-Vostro-420-Series:02010] *** End of error message ***
[ram-Vostro-420-Series:02009] [ 0] [0xb773a40c]
[ram-Vostro-420-Series:02009] [ 1] liggghts(_ZN9LAMMPS_NS23FixWallGranHookeHistoryC2EPNS_6LAMMPSEiPPc+0x29) [0x81bd67b]
[ram-Vostro-420-Series:02009] [ 2] liggghts(_ZN9LAMMPS_NS23FixWallGranHertzHistoryC1EPNS_6LAMMPSEiPPc+0x27) [0x81bc36f]
[ram-Vostro-420-Series:02009] [ 3] liggghts(_ZN9LAMMPS_NS6Modify7add_fixEiPPc+0x26f1) [0x81e5409]
[ram-Vostro-420-Series:02009] [ 4] liggghts(_ZN9LAMMPS_NS5Input3fixEv+0x24) [0x81cbc4e]
[ram-Vostro-420-Series:02009] [ 5] liggghts(_ZN9LAMMPS_NS5Input15execute_commandEv+0x505) [0x81cd477]
[ram-Vostro-420-Series:02009] [ 6] liggghts(_ZN9LAMMPS_NS5Input4fileEv+0x2f5) [0x81ce325]
[ram-Vostro-420-Series:02009] [ 7] liggghts(main+0x68) [0x81d6404]
[ram-Vostro-420-Series:02009] [ 8] /lib/ [0xb7315ce7]
[ram-Vostro-420-Series:02009] [ 9] liggghts() [0x80a7721]
[ram-Vostro-420-Series:02009] *** End of error message ***
mpirun noticed that process rank 1 with PID 2010 on node ram-Vostro-420-Series exited on signal 11 (Segmentation fault).
Thanks for reading...

ckloss's picture

ckloss | Sat, 06/18/2011 - 23:19

Did you change something in the constructor of the FixWallGranHookeHistory class?
If no, can u send me the script and data needed to run the case?


ckloss_ | Tue, 06/21/2011 - 14:18

Hi Ram,

if you want to use 2 meshes you should use the fix wall/gran command as follows:

fix wall/gran .... 2 mesh1 mesh2
