Missing Storage Values

Submitted by andriodr on Mon, 07/29/2013 - 21:56

I am using LIGGGHTS on a bluegene/p cluster and when I attempt to run a simulation I get an error that reads:

Could not locate a fix/property storing value(s) for youngsModulus as requested by gran/hooke. (modify_liggghts.cpp:247)

I checked with the sysadmin and he has told me that there is nothing wrong with the installation. I have version 2.3.5 installed. Any help or direction at all would be greatly appreciated.

ckloss_ | Mon, 08/05/2013 - 19:27


what example did you run? Any of the tutorials that come with LIGGGHTS?


andriodr | Fri, 08/09/2013 - 17:16

I ran the in.cohesion from LIGGGHTS as well as the in.colloid from LAMMPS. After changing my input script a bit I'm not getting the missing value issue, but I am now getting an issue opening the dump file to write the results. I have a feeling that the two errors are related though. I get the sense that the files they call on to perform certain commands are not being pointed to correctly. I have run them on a different cluster that has LAMMPS installed on it with success, so I'm guessing there is an incorrect file path somewhere, but I am not entirely versed on the inner workings of the program.

ckloss's picture

ckloss | Fri, 08/30/2013 - 15:26

I assume you have input a modified input script or from a wrong path.
If you run any of the tutorial cases, this error should not pop up


cstoltz | Fri, 08/09/2013 - 17:58

In that example, you need to have a subdirectory already created called 'post' as it is looking to write the dump files there.
