'lmp_auto' got invalid after build LIGGGHTS as sharded library

Submitted by lifanchen on Mon, 12/05/2022 - 14:50

Hello everyone,

I have installed LIGGGHTS successfully by the file 'makefile.auto' in source. And I can successfully run the examples provided in the examples/LIGGGHTS/Tutorials_public such as the chute_wear by the command 'lmp_auto < in.chute_wear'. But for some reasons I'd like to build LIGGGHTS as a shared library. Having done this, when I tapped 'lmp_auto' in the terminal, it got error as 'bash: lmp_auto: command not found'. However, command 'python chute_wear.py in.chute_wear' ran with no errors, where 'chute_wear.py' is a file shown as follows

import sys

argv = sys.argv
infile = argv[1]

from liggghts import liggghts

So does this means there are conflicts between general version of LIGGGHTS and its shared library version?