LIGGGHTS® 3.1.0: (released 18 Feb 2015)
+ Added a new dump custom/vtk command that directly dumps per-particle properties LIGGGHTS output into VTK files. It automatically detects vectors and scalars and supports vtk, vtu, vtp formats and can write in both ASCII and binary formats. Thanks to Daniel Queteschiner (DCS Computing) for the implementation!
+ Added the hash code of the git commit into the log file. This allows the user to identify what exact version of LIGGGHTS® was used when running a case, and to go back to that version using the "git checkout" command
+ Added a functionality to fix mesh/surface/* that the fix group is used to determine which particles "see" a granular mesh. Thanks to Christian Richter (OVGU Magdeburg) for the suggestion
+ Fixed an issue with fix move/mesh/*/variable in case variables were changed inbetween runs. Thanks to Joshua P for running into the problem and to Christian Richter (OVGU Magdeburg) for pinpointing it.
+ Fixed a sign issue for compute wall/gran local in the calculation of the contact point. Thanks again to Christian Richter (OVGU) for noting this and tracking it down!
+ Added a safety check to ensure a fix move/mesh can only be applied to a fix of type fix mesh/*. Thanks to Robin Gibaud (Simap Grenoble) for sending a testcase.
+ Josef Kerbl (DCS Computing) and Daniel Queteschiner (JKU) fixed a small memory issue with the MPI coupling in cfd_datacoupling.cpp
+ Detected and fixed a rare issue with particle-particle contact history that led to outdated values in case a "delete_atoms" command was used in-between two "run" commands. This bug was also touching LAMMPS and reported to the LAMMPS developers (who fixed it with a different bugfix as part of the 6 Feb 2015 LAMMPS patch)
+ Fixed a minor issue with fix couple/cfd/convective where in rare cases the heat flux onto ghost particles was not correctly calculated
+ Fixed a missing parenthesis in the doc for fix check/timestep/gran. Thanks to Moritz Höfert (BASF) for the note.
+ Fixed an issue where fix massflow/mesh was not working correctly when used with "pair_style none". Thanks to Stefan Radl (TUG) for identifying the problem and sending a testcase!
+ Added an additional error check to fix insert/pack in case its region would be deleted during the simulation