LIGGGHTS with some LAMMPS packages

Submitted by golovnya on Tue, 08/11/2015 - 13:54

Dear community,

I am simulating powder particles with dipole moments in the gradient field. That are DIPOLE and MISC packages. In the 3.2 LIGGGHTS version they were cut out. Is it possible to somehow use them? Or the only way to use 3.1.0 version?

Faithfully yours,

aaigner's picture

aaigner | Tue, 08/11/2015 - 14:07

Hello Oksana,

You can copy the packages from LAMMPS and try to activate and compile them. But be aware the fact that we removed them, because we do not maintain them at all. So we can not guarantee that they are working correctly together with LIGGGHTS functionalities (especially with stl-mesh functions).


golovnya | Tue, 08/11/2015 - 16:36

Thank you for the reply. It is rather unfortunately. I do understand why you removed atom structures. However, why do you remove all field options (dipole and misc), I do not understand. All the magnetic and polarized powders can be studied including these packages into liggghts. Rather large field of problems.
Faithfully yours,

ckloss's picture

ckloss | Mon, 08/24/2015 - 09:46

Hi Oskana,

as mentioned, you can still use it (at your own risk). We did not touch this field yet, so the code was not reviewed by us and we can't officially support it. The main idea of LIGGGHTS 3.2 release was to make it clear what is officially supported

Best wishes

Best wishes

bprasad | Mon, 11/28/2016 - 22:52


can you please tell me how to activate the LAMMPS package which i have copied in LIGGGHTS-PUBLIC version 3.5
