Hello Guys,
I am new with LIGGGHTS, am trying to undrestand how it works with the examples in the website and I got a problem with the Post Processing step.
I installed the command lpp and I started writing this line in the Post folder of one of the examples; for example contactModels:
lpp dump*.newModels . IAnd so I got this error taht I don't undrestand: Is there any problem with "dump"?
lpp dump*.newModels
starting LIGGGHTS memory optimized parallel post processing
chunksize: 1 --> 1 files are processed per chunk. If you run out of memory reduce chunksize.
Working with 4 processes...
calculating chunks 1 - 1 of 1
aborting due to errors: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'dump*.newModels'
Can somone help me with this please.
Thank you so much in advance!