Liggghts multisphere error

Submitted by hamedhoori on Tue, 03/24/2020 - 11:59

Hi, I'm trying to do a cfdem simulation, I try to read a restart file with a liggghts script that contains multi sphere data generated by another script. when compiling the second liggghts script I face an error, incompatibility of fix and set command in multi sphere script. after reading the multi sphere restriction I deleted the heat transfer commands (set command included) and now another error with fix gravity shows up. I read the fix and fix multi sphere command description but I don't know why I get this error? I'll be grateful if anyone has an idea. thanks in advance
I attached the script and the log file.
the error I'm getting is this:

WARNING: More than one fix rigid / fix multisphere (../fix_multisphere.cpp:415)
ERROR: Fix gravity (id gravi): support for more than one fix multisphere not implemented (../fix_gravity.cpp:273)

I have searched and read different forums but couldn't find my answer.
I found the answer and fixed it