liggghts based in lammps 10-mar10

Submitted by zwep on Wed, 05/22/2013 - 08:12

Hello there,

I am currently struggeling with liggghts' examples section. Most of the examples I try just do not work, since I get an error of the type 'invalid pair_style' command.

After I have tried several things, I think the problem lies in the facts that my liggghts is based on lammps 10-Mar10. Eventhough I have a lammps version of 17 nov 2012!

So, can anyone confirm that this is indeed my problem? And if so, can anyone tell me how to ' update' liggghts, such that it will be based on the newer version of lammps?

Thanks in advance!


zwep | Wed, 05/22/2013 - 11:47

Besides.. I just realised that I am using LIGGGHTS 1.5.3 version.. I downloaded it using the Ubuntu Software Centre. How can I upgrade it to version 2.0..?