LIGGGHTS 1.4 (released 3 August 2011)
+ Added a new SPH (Smoothed Particle hydrodynamics) modelling capability based on the work of Andreas Aigner (JKU). See example here. Also added a new example "sph".
+ Fixed a rare bug in the probability distribution implementation. Thanks to Andre Katterfeld (Univ. Magdgebug, Cepartec GmbH) for sending an example that showed the bug.
+ Improved the accuracy of the fix check/timestep/gran command to help the user avoid "dangerous builds in triangle neighbor list" messages
+ Changed the output for the wear prediction feature from wear to wear/area
+ Fixed a bug in the way damping is calculated in case a fix rigid is active for granular particle-particle and particle-wall interactions.
BACKWARD COMPATIBILITY: The fix/mesh/gran/stressanalysis feature will output wear/area now instead of wear, so results will not be directly comparable with former versions