LIGGGHTS 1.2.8 (released 06 April 2011)
Test harness results vs. 1.2.4 can be seen here.
+ Initial release of the MPI datacoupling module for LIGGGHTS side the CFD-DEM coupling. MPI coupling module soon to be released on the CFD side. So stay tuned... Thanks to Christoph Goniva and Alice Hager (both JKU) for all the cooperation on the subject!
+ Fixed an issue with shear history, discussed here. Thanks to George Marketos (Imperial) for detecting this and to Steve Plimpton (Sandia) for suggesting the remedy that is now implemented (in LAMMPS as well as LIGGGHTS).
+ Added new pair styles pair/gran/hooke/history/stiffness, pair/gran/hertz/history/stiffness and according wall styles. These are largely identical to the LAMMPS granular pair styles / wall styles. Additionally, they support the full additional LIGGGHTS functionality (triangular walls, multiple materials, cohesion model, rolling friction model,...). Thanks again to George Marketos (Imperial) for the suggestion. This is in beta stage, so there is no doc yet, so people are invited to have a look at the code (e.g. pair_gran_hooke_history_simple.h/cpp) and try it.
+ Added a new compute rdf/gran to evaluate the radial distribution function for granular systems. This may be useful for the development of continuum models based on the granular gas theory
It is basically equivalent to the existing compute rdf, but instead of evaluation up to the force cutoff, it evaluates up to force cutoff plus skin, which makes for sense for granular systems.
+ Fixed a rare bug where wall/gran fixes did not tidy up correctly upon unfixing. Thanks to Xuetao Wang (Züblin AG) for sending an offending script
+ Fixed a small issue in the trianlge neighbor list routine. It did not result in a wrong calculation, but it issued a warning message that was not correct. Thanks to Francois Guill-Guillard for digging into the code and seeing this.