LIGGGHTS 1.2.7 (released 22 March 2011)
+ Fixed a bug related to triangular wall neighborlist. This bug unfortunately came in when fixing a small issue.
For all users of triangular walls it is heavily recommended to update to 1.2.7!
+ Improved accuracy of the triangle wall representation in case the triangle area is smaller than particle size.
Now the contact forces are scaled down with the ratio of triangle size to the theoretical contact area size based on the overlap
+ Fixed a bug related to restart with granular walls, that made LIGGGHTS crash under certain circumstances.
Thanks to Colman-Patrick Caroll (BASF) and user Somnath (U Texas) for calling attention to this
+ Added the possibility to dump the mesh velocity for moving mesh and the conveyor model
+ Added an additional timestep criterion to fix check/timestep/gran: Now you will be also warned if particles travel further than skin in a timestep, which would result in incorrect interaction calculation