LIGGGHTS 1.1.8 (released 6. October 2010)
1) Added an important update to the CAD wall handling improving the correctness of particle-wall damping for edge and corner contacts. Many thanks to Chris Stoltz (Procter & Gamble USA) for the helpful testcases and discussions
2) Fixed a general issue with fixes defined after previous runs where some properties were not correctly initialized. Thanks to Carsten Schilde (TU Braunschweig) for running into this problem
3) Fixed an issue with LIGGGHTS not accepting material parameters for atom types that are inserted in later runs. Thanks to Josef Fuchs (University of Leoben) for providing a script that suffered from this problem
4) Added an error check to the fix pour/dev command where under special circumstances a segfault could occur if the given massflowrate was too low. Thanks to Michael Aigner (JKU Linz) for providing a test script
5) Added a check for fix wall/gran to yield an error if the user would specify lo and hi values for the wall incorrectly.
6) Adapted the fix move/mesh/gran command so that the last argument (which was actually no longer used) can be omitted
7) Fixed a memory leak related to the heat transfer model. Thanks to Colman-Patrick Carroll (BASF) for a script revealing this
8) Fixed some LAMMPS issues with fix move and create_atoms that arose if these commands were used inbetween two runs
9) Added a possibility to use the set command to set omega of particles