LIGGGHTS 1.1.7 (released 17. September 2010)
1) Fixed a LAMMPS bug where processor communication was not correct when using fix adapt under certain circumstances. Thanks to Steve Plimpton (Sandia) for providing a solution to this
2) Fixed a typo in calculating the particle contact area - this impacts on both the heat transfer and the cohesion model
3) George Marketos (Imperial) added a feature to add omega as a variable, as can be done with x,v,etc. Thanks for submitting this.
4) Fixed a bug where shear wall stress was incorrectly dumped to VTK
5) Fixed a quite tricky issue with the moving mesh feature where viscous damping was not calculated correctly for some cases. Many thanks to Chris Stoltz (Procter & Gamble) for doing extensive testing and help finding this bug.
6) This bug fix also motivated to change the wiggle oscillation command for granular walls from 1-cos to sin to be able to compare native oscillatory walls with oscillations done with fix move/mesh/gran
7) Also improved a detail with shear history on mesh surfaces.
8) Fixed typos in some formulas of the pair_gran.html doc (the actual implementation was correct). Thanks again to Chris Stoltz (P&G) for finding this.
9) Changed the 'cohesion' example in order to make a more visible comparison between cohesion and no cohesion - thanks to Quinn Reynolds (Mintek) for suggesting this