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Submitted by ckloss on Tue, 06/29/2010 - 18:04

LIGGGHTS 1.1 (released 29. June 2010)
BACKWARD COMPATIBILITY: You may not be able to use restart files from previous version with 1.1!

Version 1.1 contains the following new features:

1) Added a feature to calculate stresses on CAD imported meshes to the main distribution. See doc for fix mesh/gran/stressanalysis for details.
2) Added a dump mesh command to post-process these stresses with paraview
3) Dump stl and dump mesh now have an option to choose which meshes/stresses should be dumped to STL/VTK
4) Added a new fix check/timestep/gran to estimate the accuracy of the chosen time-step by means of Rayleigh and Hertz time-step criteria.
5) Added a capability to generate particle packings by initially inserting particles with a low volume fraction with a new fix pour/dev/packing. Particles can then be successively grown over time until the desired particle size distribution and volume fraction is reached. This is achieved by a 'fix adapt' command which can modify properties over time in conjunction with variable scripting (see example 'packing')
6) Added a capability to exempt certain regions from the insertion using the fix pour/dev or the fix pour/dev/packing command.
7) Added a 'riggle' option to the fix move/mesh/gran, which gives the possibility to impose oscillatory rotational motion to a CAD imported mesh. Thanks to Christopher Stoltz (Procter & Gamble USA) for suggesting this

Version 1.1 contains the following improvements:

1) Performance optimizations done for CAD imported meshes, example meshGran now runs over 50% faster
2) Also added a size ratio and coplanarity check for triangular meshes which should improve result quality
3) Some data compaction has been achieved, so restart files should be smaller now for cases with CAD imported geometry
4) Improved the 'massflowrate' option for fix pour/dev command. The inserted mass is now tracking the expectancy value more accurately.

Version 1.1 contains the following bug fixes:

1) Fixed a cut-off issue that occured for some poly-disperse simulations. Thanks to Diego Peinado (Intrame AS) for finding this tricky bug and to Steve Plimpton (main LAMMPS developer, Sandia NL, USA) for providing a solution to this issue.
2) Fixed a minor issue related to computing particle-triangle interactions - thanks to Martin Schilling (BASF) for providing a test case
3) Fixed 2 issues for cases when the particle-triangle contact list was dynamically grown during simulation - thanks to Stefan Pirker (Johannes Kepler University Linz) for providing a test script that showed the problem
4) Fixed a bug in fix rigid - thanks to Christian Grohs (Planseee SE) for reporting this

Version 1.1 comprises the following changes in examples:

1) Added a new example 'packing' to highlight the packing feature (see above).
2) Added time-step checking to examples 'meshGran' and 'conveyor'