layers of different particles

Tarun De's picture
Submitted by Tarun De on Fri, 01/19/2018 - 21:27

hello everyone,
I am a new user of LIGGGHTS. please suggest me some good tutorial where every topic is covered step by step, which is really good for beginners.
I will be really happy if anyone kindly tells me how to create layers of different particles in a hopper at once.
looking urgently for a reply.


richti83's picture

richti83 | Mon, 01/22/2018 - 15:51

You can not create (overlapping) particles at once. The used (fast) insertion algorithm allows only non-overlapping spheres.

I suggest you to have a look in LIGGGHTS-PUBLIC/examples/LIGGGHTS/Tutorials_public/insert_stream/in.insert_stream and adapt it to your needs (e.g. create a plane at top of your hopper, adjust the simulation domain (region reg) and particle radius (fix pts) ...

A simple example skript I'm showing my students is like this:

# Example 3, Flow through a funnel #
# (c) 2015 by C. Richter, IBAF #
variable cor equal 0.2
variable timestep equal 1.25e-5
variable wallfric equal 0.59
variable ff equal 0.35
variable frf equal 0.35
variable CED equal 150000
variable youngmod equal 1e7
variable poiss equal 0.3
variable r1 equal 0.0250
variable r2 equal 0.0250
variable r3 equal 0.0250
variable r4 equal 0.0250
variable r5 equal 0.0250
variable r6 equal 0.0250
variable r7 equal 0.0250
variable frac1 equal 0.013
variable frac2 equal 0.015
variable frac3 equal 0.049
variable frac4 equal 0.105
variable frac5 equal 0.05
variable frac6 equal 0.098
variable frac7 equal 0.067
variable dens equal 1434.037202
variable N equal 3000
atom_style granular
boundary f f f
newton off
communicate single vel yes
units si
region reg block -0.541 0.541 -0.541 0.541 -1.10 1.10 units box
create_box 2 reg
#echo screen
neighbor 0.005 bin
neigh_modify delay 0
#Material properties
fix m1 all property/global youngsModulus peratomtype ${youngmod} ${youngmod}
fix m2 all property/global poissonsRatio peratomtype ${poiss} ${poiss}
fix m3 all property/global coefficientRestitution peratomtypepair 2 ${cor} ${cor} &
${cor} ${cor}
fix m4 all property/global coefficientFriction peratomtypepair 2 ${ff} ${wallfric} ${wallfric} ${wallfric}
fix m5 all property/global coefficientRollingFriction peratomtypepair 2 ${frf} ${frf} ${frf} ${frf}
fix m6 all property/global cohesionEnergyDensity peratomtypepair 2 ${CED} 0 0 0
#pair style
pair_style gran model hertz tangential history cohesion sjkr2 rolling_friction epsd2
pair_coeff * *
timestep ${timestep}
fix 1 all nve/sphere
fix 2 all gravity 9.81 vector 0.0 0.0 -1.0
#box walls
#import mesh from cad:
fix behaelter all mesh/surface file STL/behaelter.stl heal auto_remove_duplicates type 2 scale 0.001
fix schieber1 all mesh/surface file STL/schieber1.stl type 2 scale 0.001
fix schieber2 all mesh/surface file STL/schieber2.stl type 2 scale 0.001
fix messflaeche all mesh/surface/stress file STL/messflaeche.stl type 2 scale 0.001 stress on
#use the imported mesh as granular wall
fix walls all wall/gran model hertz tangential history rolling_friction epsd2 mesh n_meshes 4 meshes behaelter schieber1 schieber2 messflaeche
#region and insertion
fix pts1 all particletemplate/sphere 1 atom_type 1 density constant ${dens} radius constant ${r1}
fix pts2 all particletemplate/sphere 1 atom_type 1 density constant ${dens} radius constant ${r2}
fix pts3 all particletemplate/sphere 1 atom_type 1 density constant ${dens} radius constant ${r3}
fix pts4 all particletemplate/sphere 1 atom_type 1 density constant ${dens} radius constant ${r4}
fix pts5 all particletemplate/sphere 1 atom_type 1 density constant ${dens} radius constant ${r5}
fix pts6 all particletemplate/sphere 1 atom_type 1 density constant ${dens} radius constant ${r6}
fix pts7 all particletemplate/sphere 1 atom_type 1 density constant ${dens} radius constant ${r7}
fix pdd1 all particledistribution/discrete 1. 7 pts1 ${frac1} pts2 ${frac2} pts3 ${frac3} pts4 ${frac4} pts5 ${frac5} pts6 ${frac6} pts7 ${frac7}
#group nve_group region reg
region gen block -0.5 0.5 -0.5 0.5 1.07 1.10 units box
fix ins all insert/rate/region seed 14232 distributiontemplate pdd1 nparticles $N particlerate 750000 insert_every 100 overlapcheck yes verbose no vel constant 0 0 -2 region gen
#thermo settings
thermo_style custom step atoms spcpu
thermo 1000
thermo_modify lost ignore norm no
compute_modify thermo_temp dynamic yes
#make a dump of particles and the stl file
variable time equal step*dt
variable fx equal f_messflaeche[1]
variable fy equal f_messflaeche[2]
variable fz equal f_messflaeche[3]
variable Mx equal f_messflaeche[4]
variable My equal f_messflaeche[5]
variable Mz equal f_messflaeche[6]
dump dmp all custom 1000 post/dump*.liggghts id type x y z vx vy vz fx fy fz radius mass
dump dumpstl all mesh/stl 1000 post/dump*.stl behaelter schieber1 schieber2
dump forces1 all mesh/vtk 1000 post/dump_int*.vtk output interpolate stress stresscomponents messflaeche
dump forces2 all mesh/vtk 1000 post/dump_face*.vtk output face stress stresscomponents messflaeche
fix forceslog all print 100 "${time},${fx},${fy},${fz},${Mx},${My},${Mz}" file post/forces.csv title "t,Fx,Fy,Fz,Mx,My,Mz" screen no
#run with particle insertion
run 50000 upto
unfix ins
write_restart insert.restart
variable opentime equal 0.1 #open in 0.1sek
variable opensteps equal ${opentime}/dt
variable w equal (PI/4)/${opentime} #w=df/dt
variable T equal 2*PI/${w} #T=1/f=2pie/w
print $T
#moving mesh
fix open1 all move/mesh mesh schieber1 rotate origin 0. 0. 0. axis 0. 1. 0. period $T
fix open2 all move/mesh mesh schieber2 rotate origin 0. 0. 0. axis 0. 1. 0. period -$T
run ${opensteps} #
unfix open1
unfix open2
run 150000

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