Is it possible to insert particles from different heights in same simulation?

Submitted by laudari on Wed, 07/14/2021 - 07:20

Hello guys, need some help.

Currently, I am doing simulation in LIGGGHTS. My particles insertion area and surface have height approximately 0.02 in si units.

I would like to add some random height so that my particles drop from different height in the same simulations. Purpose of this is to bring noise on heights.

So I want to drop particles randomly at the height of 0.02 +- 10 % or 0.02 +- 20 %while running simulation.

Is it possible to add this idea in liggghts script?

What will be the command?

Thank you.

mofazli | Wed, 07/14/2021 - 09:54

Hi Laudri,
I think It's better to post this question on the liggghts forum. It is more related to Liggghts.