interaction force to be zero

Submitted by Soo-Min Ham on Fri, 07/13/2018 - 09:07

Hi all,

I'd like to simulate the case where the only particle influences the fluid (it means the particles do not get any force from the fluid and are in fixed location). I failed with using oneWayVTK coupling, so I tried to find other ways--make zero interaction force.

I used model A for the coupling, so force models used for coupling are DiFeliceDrag, gradPForce, viscForce, and Archimedes forces. To eliminate the force acting on the particle by fluid, I set those value as 0.

For example, I changed drag term to be 0 in 'DiFeliceDrag.C' file, as follows;

drag = dragCoefficient*Ur; => drag = 0;

After I did the same process for other three forces, I entered 'cfdemCompCFDEM' on the terminal.

Then ran the simulation to get the results. I set the interaction forces to be zero, but still the particles got the force from the fluid.

Please let me know, what I missed.

Thanks in advance.

medvedeg | Fri, 07/13/2018 - 13:02


you can comment the corresponding line with "fix nve" in LIGGGHTS input script. This will freeze the particles.

Alexander Podlozhnyuk