Installing VTK manually for CFDEM and LIGGGHTS

Submitted by SilenceAndI on Mon, 04/29/2019 - 11:16

I am still trying to get CFDEM and LIGGGHTS running, currently the installation tells me to manually install VTK because Autoinstall failed, so I am doing it this way:

cd $HOME;
git clone git:// VTK;
mkdir $HOME/VTK-build;
make -j16;
make install;
echo "VTK_INC_USR=-I${HOME}/VTK/include" >> ${HOME}/LIGGGHTS/LIGGGHTS-PUBLIC/src/MAKE/Makefile.user;
echo "VTK_INC_USR=-L${HOME}/VTK/lib" >> ${HOME}/LIGGGHTS/LIGGGHTS-PUBLIC/src/MAKE/Makefile.user;

and still receive 'Compilation of vtk failed. Please install it manually so it seems not to be able to recognize my Installation of VTK. I start the installation process once before I set the values in the "${HOME}/LIGGGHTS/LIGGGHTS-PUBLIC/src/MAKE/Makefile.user" else (at least in my case) this file doesn't exists.

How can I make the installation files recognizing my vtk installation?

Important to know is that I can only do operations without root access. So I can only rwx on "/home/name123" and "/local/name123". The second one is where I did set $HOME to before and during the installation process. My OpenFOAM installation runs just fine (4.1) and I started scripting it all. Just wasn't able to script the CFDEM, LIGGGHTS installation yet because I couldn't finish it yet...