Installing LIGGGHTS-PUBLIC on mac OS High Sierra

Submitted by Samuel Chopin on Sun, 09/30/2018 - 06:47

I met some problems when making LIGGGHTS on my mac. I tried to change the MAKEFILE.USER in src/MAKE but every time when I type "make auto" in the terminal, error occurs like this:

Makefile:940: *** 'Could not determine suitable appendix of VTK library with VTK_INC="-I/usr/local/liggghts/vtk/include", VTK_LIB="" and VTK_APPENDIX="-VTK_MAJOR_VERSION.VTK_MINOR_VERSION"'. Stop.
make: *** [auto] Error 2

I'm not familiar with the Terminal actually orz... and I'm looking forward to a solution to help me install and build the LIGGGHTS on may mac.
Thanks for your reply.