Installing LIGGGHTS on mac OS 10.12 (sierra)

Submitted by tjleps on Sat, 09/16/2017 - 21:04

This is a notice for people trying to get LIGGGHTS working on current mac os systems.

The Xcode8 command line tools GCC compiler will not successfully compile the LIGGGHTS source code with the couple most current versions of MPI. It's possible that using older revisions of MPI will work, I haven't attempted that. What will work is installing a more recent version of GCC. I stepped through this guide to making GCC on mac OS:

Which, when combined with the outdated tutorial on installing LIGGGHTS on mac OS 10.8, in the GIT repository for CFDEM, resulted in a successful make auto installation of LIGGGHTS 3.7.0.

*Edit: link was broken by weird format of URLcopy the first half of the address into an address bar, then paste the second after it
first half:

second half: