Install CFDEMcoupling in Cluster without root access

Submitted by rqwang on Mon, 11/05/2012 - 17:52

Hi CFDEMers,

I am working on CFDEM in high performance clusters. Every time I have to spend days to update or reinstall cfdem package. Can anybody suggest a solution to install openfoam and cfdem without root access?



alice's picture

alice | Tue, 11/06/2012 - 09:27

Good morning,
actually when installing OpenFOAM or CFDEMcoupling you shouldn't need root access at all, at least in my experience. Did you install the packages as root in the first place? This usually leads to conflicts, as the root will then be the owner. Elsewhise it should be possible to install OpenFOAM and CFDEMcouling "just like that" in your home directory...
Cheers, Alice