indent or fix wall/reflect ?!

Submitted by yaman on Wed, 05/02/2012 - 18:15

i am simulating a lid cavity case:
periodic BC on X,
upper wall is moving with 1. m/sec
an obstacle is placed on the middle of lower wall
other particles are vibrating due to LJ interaction.

what is the optimal way to obtain no-slip BCs on wall and obstacle, ( indent or fix wall/reflect) ?
implementing fix wall/reflect will not make the flow particles ( particles of the whole domain except boundaries and the obstacle) follow the upper wall moving direction, i.e (particles are hitting the upper wall and reflect in opposite direction which they hit without increasing the velocity due to collide with moving wall)!!
i want to have particles who change the direction of their velocities ( same direction of the leading wall velocity) due to colliding the upper wall, so i can get the flow simulation that i want (vortex)
thanks in advance