include commnad

Submitted by govind on Mon, 12/24/2018 - 13:06

Hi All,

In my CFDEM case I have to insert thousands of particles for that I am using "include" command and I am writing small python script to generate coordinates of particles. With only LIGGGHTS script it works properly but with CFDEM case it does not work. Error is "can not open the script" on include command.

One more thing I am also trying to create particles with lattice and create_atoms command. I can generate particles but they response to gravity very slow as compared with "create_atoms" command only mean particles velocity is very very slow. Does any link between lattice and particle velocity?

With regards,
Govind Sharma

arnom's picture

arnom | Mon, 01/14/2019 - 13:13

I strongly suggest you write a file which can be read by read_data instead of using the "include" command. If it cannot open the script it is probably because the path is wrong.

There should be no relationship between how particles are created and their velocity.

DCS team member & LIGGGHTS(R) core developer