Implementation details of the Nase viscous force model for liquid bridges

Submitted by paul on Fri, 10/30/2020 - 16:25

Hello everyone,

I was wondering about one of the implementation details of liquid bridge models, namely the definition of the minimum separation distance ratio, which is required to have values > 1 and is recommended to have a value of around 1.01 according to the documentation

The source code gives the following implementation of the viscous force according to Nase [1]:
const double FviscN = stokesPreFactor*vn/std::max(minSeparationDistanceRatio,dist/rEff);
where dist is the separation between the two particles' surface
dist = r-(radi+radj)
which makes me wonder, because if the minimum separation were the height of asperities of the particles' surface, the ratio of this minimum distance to the particles' effective radius would have values close to zero - which makes sense for me.

Might this be a mistake within LIGGGHTS, or am I wrong?

Cheers, Paul

[1] Nase et al as cited in Shi and McCarthy, Powder Technology, 184 (2008), 65-75, Eqns 40,41