How to watch the animiation in the paraview?

kunzhang's picture
Submitted by kunzhang on Thu, 04/18/2013 - 21:11

Hi All,

I have already run the coupling test example of the CFDEM. And I am wondering how to watch the result as animiation in the paraview. I notice for the cfdemPostproc, after running, the paraview is open automaticly. But for other case, I have no idea how to do it.

Any suggestions and helps are highly appreciated.



alice's picture

alice | Mon, 04/22/2013 - 08:57

Hello Kun,
in order to display your results you can either type paraFoam (OpenFOAM reader for paraview) or you can open the program by typing paraview and loading $CASE/CFD/system/controlDict.foam. If the latter doesn't exist just copy the controlDict and add a ".foam" to the file name. This file is recognized by paraview and the data can be loaded.