How test OpenFOAM and learn?

Submitted by rpillers on Sat, 01/27/2018 - 19:56

I’ve just installed CFDEMcoupling and OpenFOAM guided by the steps listed in the current CFDEMcoupling online manual.

What is the best way to test the installation?

What is the best path for teaching myself OpenFOAM and LIGGGHTS simulations?

Thank you very very much for any help.

alice's picture

alice | Mon, 01/29/2018 - 10:33

Hi rpillers,

the best way for testing the installation is running the commend cfdemTestTut, it will try to run the tutorials that come with CFDEMcoupling-PUBLIC. Otherwise you can also go to one of the tutorials and run the scripts that can be found in the tutorial folders.

You can make yourself familiar with CFDEMcoupling and LIGGGHTS (guess the same holds for OpenFOAM, but we are only distributing the first two) by looking at the provided tutorial files. Alternatively we provide regular trainings (there are still available spots for our September-course, see

