How does liggghts calculate clump mass and center point when using fix rigid

Submitted by alberthappy on Wed, 08/13/2014 - 21:51

Hello everyone,

I am playing with multi-sphere method to generate aggregates of sphere particles by using hybrid granular molecular. First I use 'read_data' to import the essential particles (granular). Then I use 'fix rigid' to to generate clumps (molecule). I am not sure how liggghts calculate the mass of clumps and its gravity center? When importing essential particles, the 'Masses' are for sphere particles, right?

When importing data by read_data, we need to give an identity to each particle, My another question is: when I use two kind of particles in the simulation, one is clump of spheres and the other is just sphere, how can I avoid the identity conflicts of the imported particle and the particle inserted by fix_insert? I appreciate any help or hint.


ckloss's picture

ckloss | Mon, 08/25/2014 - 23:45

Hi Albert,

fix rigid calculates the total mass and moments of inertia quite simple, by superposition of the spheres' contributions

>> When importing essential particles, the 'Masses' are for sphere particles, right?

>>My another question is: when I use two kind of particles in the simulation, one is clump of spheres and the other is just sphere,
>>how can I avoid the identity conflicts of the imported particle and the particle inserted by fix_insert? I appreciate any help or hint.
Fix rigid is not really implemented in a way to allow this. There is also another implementation in our a commercial-support version which has this feature - you can email me for more info

Best wishes